The Primal Advantage

Ever wondered why human beings are the most dominant species on the planet? By this I also need to clarify which kind of humans,the mainstream ones,just like you and me. The indigenous tribes however,are endangered because they have refused to give in to the ever changing human society and eventually might be faced out. There has been so many still,indigenous tribes or races that have gone extinct. Humor me for a minute and think about this,when you are with a group of friends or acquaintances who happen to know so much about football and you don't,you are forced to either adapt by learning about football or you are pushed out of that group either because you will never meet them again or because you don't feel obligated to prove a point to them by learning of their interests. In this case if you choose to leave the group,chances are you develop your own interests with people who share the same sentiments thus a rift caused by this decision. Depending on the demands of your current environment,you will either survive or perish and the group with the majority of people with the same interests survives and might ultimately spread their interests to their off-springs. There is the saying that; 'Parents want to fulfill their unachieved goals through their children.' For this to happen you have to be like them. This doesn't matter,whether it's social success or basic survival.
Being an adapting human being is the key to survival and better yet the thriving of a few more generations to come. Naturally a human being is a curious,inquisitive creature just like our primate cousins. We are constantly driven to be more and do more. I learnt this at a very tender age when I knew what fire really was,to date I still have the scars to prove our familiarity to each other. In this world of being human,there are only six primal play rules that set us apart as the dominant species; 1) we constantly investigate the unfamiliar until it becomes familiar, 2)we always impose rhythmic repetition on the familiar, 3) we then vary this repetition in as many possible ways, 4) we then select the most satisfying of these variations and develop it at the cost of others, 5)we then combine and recombine these variations with another,finally, 6) we always do all of these for our own sake as an end in itself.
Just like people a business as it develops its customer service agenda should be guided by the same differentiating rules on its path to dominating its field of play. Researching on what the customer complains about as well as what they love and enjoy and then develop action plans to increase what they complement and love about the product or service while reducing their complaints,repeat what is working until it becomes the company's culture,replicate this success across all customer touch-points to create a standard and uniformity across the board,always strive to meet expectations on every occasion while trying out new strategies to either reduce costs or surpass expectations and finally always take and act on feedback to ensure that the customer feels appreciated thus making them come back.


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