Surely He Will Come?

As a child with a typical Kenyan mother,I grew up expecting a little,hoping for the best and end up getting what I deserved in the end. In part I later came to find out that basically that is how life works and to some extent I am grateful that my mother taught us this principal in advance. But what exactly do I mean by my initial statement? Well let me explain. When I broke one of my mother's plates that was reserved for the guests,who perhaps only visited twice or thrice per year,I got a thorough beating one that was only compared to the kind that only a dog gets when it trespasses into a mosque as the Swahili would put it,in addition to that a slew of insults later followed comparing me to a goat,a dog or a cow. Something interesting that I noted was,if I happened to use the same comparisons with other kids in the estate or at school and my mother found out about it well let's just say the kind of trouble I would get in was only comparable to WW2. All these in turn made me loose a shirt or a pair of trousers when our Christmas shopping season came around. It is not all gloomy though,I was always rewarded by a better more expensive type of shoe if I held my standards as expected by my mother and the best part was that I had escaped a beating. All these made me develop expectations on rewards,punishment and getting what I deserve at the end of it all.
When businesses are setting up,they set their own standards based on their field of play and the value they provide to their potential customers,be it in the middle income bracket or high income bracket,by establishing their standards they enable their clients build expectations in relation to prior interactions with the product or service. For instance if I buy a Rolex watch I expect it to last no less that 15 years,be waterproof up to a certain depth and best of all not to need a battery based on its built in mechanism. If I am visiting a five star hotel for an extended period of time I expect to get some type of complimentary services maybe complimentary transport,24hrs room service and maybe a concierge's services. In such a case if I happen to just get a warm towel for my face and a baby cold glass of juice on arrival and nothing else during my stay and perhaps am spending at least 20,000kshs per day,chances are I might give them a very poor rating or worse yet be promiscuous and lay with their competitor.
Customer Service is easy to hack as long as you match your clients' expectations,which will only be possible by completely knowing and having a relationship with your client,they will keep coming back and eventually grow loyal to you. What is therefore important to note is,if you go above and beyond your customer's expectations be sure to maintain that culture because in that you will have bumped up their level of expectations and that will be the new standard of evaluation for your products or services.
Just like the painting 'Surely He Will Come?' by Christen Dalsgaard,illustrates a woman patiently waiting for her lover to come back and she has grown to expect him because of the love they share,a customer will always give you the chance to meet their expectations and if you don't you might pay the price by loosing them forever.


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