The Silent Thriver

'With great power comes great responsibility'. This is a quote that is believed to have been conceptualized by Voltaire and later on emphasized by Uncle Ben, Parker or as we know him Spider-man's legal guardian. What's my point you might ask,well let me explain.
Humor me for a moment and think about this,a domesticated dog is a cute animal to some,a best-friend to others and a helper to others. However,it has taken years of domestication,adaptability and in some cases in-breeding to end up with our final product,a dog that can take instructions and is scared of cats.At times I tend to think that we haven't done this animal much justice considering that it is a direct descendant of the wolf,I might not know much but I haven't seen a zoo that keeps a wolf, it might not be as powerful as a lion physically but a wolf can only be compared to an eagle,it takes no crap from anyone and never apologizes for its existence and nature. I digress,back to our modern dog,however timid it might look today it still has its genetic make up and savagery nature and for being that a dog as we know it has thrived and continues to do so. During social encounters the savage weapons it possesses are a potential threat to life and limb in any minor disputes or threats. For example there has always been a report about that cowardly dog that lives in the streets that at some point,out of nowhere,one day brutally attacked a human being after it had been cornered. If two dogs fall out they are both so heavily armed that fighting could easily lead to mutilation or death.This then could seriously endanger the survival of the species and out of necessity they have developed powerful inhibitions.Special submission postures have been evolved which automatically appease a dominant animal and inhibit its attacks leading to hierarchical grouping among the species.
As an adult I have had the opportunity to interact with a few men of influence and true power,some want you to know that they are always the one in charge and run the show while some are hiding away so that no one else knows how powerful they really are.More often than not,the wealthier ones are the ones who almost certainly hide away and let their money do all the work for them.In today's modern world,the only way to differentiate people's powers is through the size of their wallets. This is so because as men,we no longer go out to hunt neither do we go out to take territories from others,why do so when you can always buy it? Dexter happens to be one of those powerful people,however,he can't seem to shake off the fear of dying before he uses all of his accumulated power for the betterment of the human race. He tries to mitigate this fear by living every day of his life as if it is his last. He does what he loves,he cares for his wife and family and best of all he takes care of himself,these then become his anchors to make sure that he develops inhibitions against less important things he could acquire for instance alcohol or wasting his time with time wasters.
A company's life is just like a human's life. The company constantly needs to adjust itself,always referring to its manual,the company's mission and the vision statements. A company should go out and do all it can not only to profit but to also create a tangible impact in the lives of consumers and their environments. By constantly studying your true nature as a company you expand inwards and outwards,one such company is the Virgin Group. Everyone wants to work there and no one wants to leave. The company's culture has developed positive inhibitions that have significantly grown their capacity as well as responsibility and in the long-run are highly profitable,sustainably. Remember then that you don't have to use all your power to actually show your power at times being humble can exponentially make you thrive rather than survive,just like the dog and the wolf.


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