The Only Constant

Heraclitus of Ephesus famously stated 'change is the only constant' He was also known as the Dark Philosopher because his writings were so hard for anyone to wrap their minds around. If one understands that change is the only constant in life then one will more easily recognize what Heraclitus is saying in his 'obscure' writings when he claims such things as,"The way up and the way down are one and the same. Living and dead,waking and sleeping,young and old,are the same." These things are the 'same' in that they are all subject to change,from one change to vanish into another and all things,constantly,are in flux and are,in that regard,the same.
As a young man trying to come up in your career,you encounter a lot of rejection,be it in your financial strategies,relationship strategies and every other thing that will and might lead up to you achieving your dreams. If you are weak the word 'NO' translates into you thinking that you are a failure whereas if you are strong the word changes meaning into 'YOU HAVE FOUND A WAY NOT TO DO IT'. This positive mentality then allows you to have a different perspective on how different things work,for instance,if you approach a lady whom you like and she out-rightly says No to your advances,chances are she is not interested or it might have been that your approach was slightly off. The best way to go about this would be to silently say the Serenity Prayer and let it guide you to changing what you can and live with what you can't change.
A fully grown mature business that is not yet a blue-chip company should also set its ambitions based on the change statement. What do I mean by that? Well let me explain. Living in a faster evolution time span,companies should adapt accordingly to remain as competitive as they can. For instance a company should listen to their elder companies so as to get information on the past trends,which they can capitalize on and prepare for the future after all in as much as change occurs there is nothing new under the sun. The same company should also listen to their peers,this will inform them of the current market trends thus knowing how to differentiate themselves in the market place and finally the company should listen to up-coming startups or sole-ventures,this will allow them to be in-tune with emerging innovations and ensure continuity of their brand. This is being perfected by Apple in their new move to acquire a chip manufacturing company due to the saturation and stagnation of the mobile market.
Change then,as a concept,is well documented in the corporate world a good example being the rise and fall of Nokia. It will then be in your interest as a company to embrace it we are now slowly moving from the age of technology to the age of humanism. I say this because more emphasis is being placed on social entrepreneurship and social environmental change and with these come the funding and the exponential growth and support. Treating your customers right is getting trendier and cooler by the day and as they say shape up or ship out the choice is yours.


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