Eternal Flame

I grew up watching my parents' romantic life unfold,unlike millennials the past few years of my existence I witnessed love at its best,profound and limitless. Them being an old school couple they have a different way of expressing love,they have gone for dates at Uhuru Park and night outs at such places as Blue-post hotel but to date I have never heard either of them verbally declaring love for each other.I have seen my mom taking care of my gout plagued dad at some point and I have seen him bringing flowers to her every single day of the twenty six years I have been in existence.Initially this stood out for me considering that most of my friends always told stories of their drunk dads coming home with half a kilo of meat to serve a family of maybe six and yet he wreaks of a barbecue,I used to think that these were some of the coolest men I never had the chance of meeting up until I interacted with the term Being a Gentleman. I have seen my folks laugh and I have seen them s...