The Science

There is a saying that states 'People  will forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel' This is true to all human beings because it comes from our genetic coding brought about by years of evolution. To illustrate this during the stone age the homo erectus and the earlier sapiens were driven by the need to eat, conquer and procreate, however, in today's world we are driven by love, happiness and the need to leave a mark before passing on to the after life. Since we are living in the modern times businesses should buckle up and try to ride this wave of human emotions and take advantage of the times. From the above quote I will give an example of a man who consistently nurtures and natures, his wife and kids in truth and in spirit as the holy texts require, he will not demand respect or love or loyalty, he will rather command them all, which goes without saying since he has earned them. More-so if a Business wants to thrive and flourish rather than survive it will need to earn in it, through its actions towards the people who matter the most; EMPLOYEES and FINAL CUSTOMERS(I call them that because they don't know your product or processes as good as the staff members know them)
Indulge me for a moment here, imagine a business that knows most of if not all of it's customers' expectations and is constantly trying to fulfill them and more often surpass them either using the Kaizen method or The Amazement method where you under promise and over-deliver. How much more do you think the clients will be willing to be brand ambassadors, loyal customers or better yet repeat clients who are willing to spend on any product or service the Business has to offer? And in this case do you think that the price whichever it might be will matter? The golden rule in most of the businesses that have succeeded has always been to meet most expectations and surpass some of them.
By capitalizing on customers' emotions a business should strive to create an experience for a customer and in the process it will establish a close relationship with its customers thus earning the most coveted thing in a relationship TRUST. Once a customer feels that you as an entity values their time, money and belief in your product or service they will never be convinced by anyone else to move. We can as well try it practically here would you choose Bing over Google? I highly doubt that most of us would, mostly because Google is reliable and established itself as the premier search engine it is.
We all crave to feel special in the hearts and minds of people we love or look upto, we all have emotions and feelings which most of the time influence our purchase decisions and to put it simply if businesses would focus on evoking positive emotions constantly whether to its existing clients or potential ones they would be dominating their specific industries and best of all everyone wins in such a situation.


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