The Golden Goose

Have you ever paused for a second just to think what your golden goose is?For instance for a farmer it is his farm,for a cab driver it is her car and for a business the almighty customer(No pun intended here because the customer is the one who pays salaries and allows growth through purchases)To illustrate this I will give the story of The Goose that Laid Golden Eggs.It is said that there once was a poor couple living in the hills of Scotland.One day a visitor came and presented to them a goose and just told them to take care of it as if it was their own child after which they would rip massive benefits,they were surprised at this gesture because no one ever seemed to care about them not even to say hello but this stranger gave them this gift which happened to be the only thing he had to his name.
In all their desperation the father being the head of their home suggested that they should slaughter it to have their immediate gratification of getting food,however,the wife was against it and advised the husband on the same luckily he was timid and grateful to her for constantly being there with him through all his problems so he listened to her.On the next day as the wife was feeding the goose,she discovered that it had laid a golden egg,at this point I am sure you can already read the mood that was there after she shared the news with her husband.They sold the egg at the market on the next day and kept doing that until they became very wealthy.Years down the line the husband's initial thought came back,however,this time it was not out of necessity but out of greed that he wanted to kill the poor bird."Why shouldn't I slaughter the goose and get all the eggs she has tucked deep inside her?"This time without consulting his wife he went ahead and slaughtered the animal only to discover that there were no golden eggs.His lamentation to the wife was beyond thought and this extended to a divorce thus dividing his wealth.He finally resulted to alcoholism and we all know how fast that can drain away ones wealth.
To bring it to the current state of affairs how many times do large companies and small alike get beaten by startups because of either bureaucracy or not listening to their customers both internal and external ones?How much do they always want to milk out of their existing clients without providing the much needed increased value?Can companies quantify the value they loose in talent under the guise of cost cutting and compare the two and what are the costs of replacing this talent?How much value will you get when you practice your company values as envisioned from the get go?


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