
Showing posts from November, 2018

First Impressions

Just like a lady a,customer must be courted. This involves giving them a sense of security through real promises and actions,also throwing in a bit of charm and confidence will proof very beneficial in reducing the amount of time needed to get them. By putting in place a customer approach strategy in your company or business,you safe-guard your present and future with your client since structures have been configured to ensure that the clients' needs are heard,recorded,acted upon and the confirmation of fulfillment are made thus justifying your company's existence to the clients by solving their problem and proving that you will consistently adjust to change with their ever dynamic needs. Just like dating you are always affirming to each other your commitments and resolve to be together. On this Monday afternoon I was to meet my lady for her birthday lunch at one of the many malls in the country, this was so because partially it wasn't end-month yet and partially because...


Kaizen is a Japanese word coined to define continuous improvement in each and every aspect of life.This is the one single strategy that made Toyota what it is in terms of quality,market share and the overall leading innovations in the car industry.In its short 81 years of existence its managed to out-grow and out-pace the Ford Motor Company thats 115 years old,a company famously known to have brought the car,as an invention,to the masses.There is a saying that states 'The minute you stop growing is the minute that you start dying' in business this is more literal and significant.For instance when Nokia ignored the changing innovation trends in the mobile industry's operating system market they were overtaken by Google and not even being acquired by Microsoft could save them.A business has a step by step process from conceptualization all through to maturity and if innovative enough will stay at this point,avoiding the decline stage,as they re-brand and refresh their produ...