A Kenyan Tradition

Growing up we had a festive season tradition,common to most Kenyans,known as Christmas clothes shopping. it sounds rather self explanatory but I will explain what it was. This was when sons and daughters alike used to go out specifically with their mothers to stalls and exhibitions to buy the trendiest clothes to wear in the country side during the Christmas celebrations and be their best attires for the rest of the year until the next Christmas season,however,the cherry on top of the cake was the fact that you always came back home not talking to your mother,why you may ask. This was mostly because she,the mother,had a specific amount of money allocated for the cause and most of the times it was not enough according to the stall owners to get the trendiest flashiest clothes on the scene at the time thus you ended up with clothes that were new but from the previous year and as we used to say it,it was bad for your street cred. Some of the time an argument was sparked by the idea of t...